
Premium Quality
Freshly roasted



Sorpreso D’ORO

Sorpreso D’ORO

Special tasting Arabica coffee beans are grown in the tropical forests that covering an isolated distant country surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. This warm and humid climate creates the delicate and full-rounded taste of these coffee beans, while the flowers that grow abundantly on this island give it an unexpected flowery aroma. Arabica from Papua New Guinea will gratify real coffee gourmands.

Country of Origin - Papua New Guinea.

Single Origin 100% Arabica.

Packaging: 1000 g, 250 g.


Aroma 0
Acidity 0
Body 0
Roasting 0

Coffee is a special drink

It leaves no one indifferent. It is discussed more than any other drink. Indeed, coffee has a special, intriguing aura about it. Maybe that is because coffee binds, nudges, motivates and wakes us? It is rich and intense – in just one sip, we can feel over 1000 aftertastes. It facilitates our meetings with loved ones or good friends. It motivates us to achieve something magnificent. And it wakes us to experience the miracle of living in the moment. “Wake up for a day”, urges us SORPRESO coffee. Premium-quality blends and single-origin coffee beans are always freshly roasted to make our life moments rich, impressive and full of majestic discoveries.
Wake up for a day with SORPRESO!