
Premium Quality
Freshly roasted



Classic Collection


Classic Collection

Sorpreso CREME

A well-balanced, freshly roasted blend that combines Arabica coffee beans to deliver a high quality perfect aroma and a rich taste. Fog covers the mountains where this coffee is grown, adding smoothness to its taste, while the warm humidity of the tropical forest brings out a rich aroma.

Sorpreso D’ORO

Special tasting Arabica coffee beans are grown in the tropical forests that covering an isolated distant country surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. This warm and humid climate creates the delicate and full-rounded taste of these coffee beans, while the flowers that grow abundantly on this island give it an unexpected flowery aroma. Arabica from Papua New Guinea will gratify real coffee gourmands.


This blend represents true coffee alchemy. The Arabica coffee beans that are grown in as many as in five coffee producing countries fascinate us by their special taste: piquant and maybe even pungent notes are followed by a mild and delicate aftertaste. Deeply-rooted ecological coffee growing traditions give this coffee a rich body.

Sorpreso CAFFE

Full-rounded and delicate Arabica coffee beans from Brazil are blended with intense Robusta coffee beans grown in India to give a distinctive and generous flavour. This freshly roasted coffee blend is distinguished by its intense aroma and its long-lasting aftertaste.